34th Annual IH Scout & ALL Truck Nationals




More Awards and Trophies than any other all-IH Show!

Possible Classes are as follows:

Street: Stock, Modified, Wild-Modified

Show: Stock, Modified, Wild-Modified

(See Vehicle Classifications)

Scout 80/800 (1961-68) Scout 800A/800B (1969-71)
Scout II (1971-75) Scout II (1976-77)
Scout II (1978) Scout II (1979)
Scout II (1980) Scout II "Rallye" (1976-80)
Traveler (1976-79) Traveler (1980)
Terra (1976-80) SSII (1977-80)
Travelall (1950-59) Travelall (1960-68)
Travelall (1969-75) Truck (1907-1919)
Pickup (1920-29) Pickup (1930-39)
Pickup (1940-49) Pickup (1950-59)
Pickup (1960-68) Pickup (1969-75)
Wagonmaster (1973-75) Crewcab/Travelette (all)

CVI, Midas, Van American (Stock only)

Special Factory Packages:

Spirit of 76, Patriot, Snowstar, Red Carpet Special, Aristocrat, Johnnie Reb.(Stock only)

Metrovan Medium Duty
Heavy Duty International Series CXT RXT MXT
Powerstroke Diesel (F-250 up & Excursion) Big Rigs with Trailers

Vehicles may be combined into another close or alike class if there is little or no competition in a specific class. Only If a Vehicle Scores extremely high in points may the Vehicle stand alone in a class. Rare Vehicles may be the exception.  Classes may also be split by year or by model when there are too many competitors in a class or year.  Other policy and classing details may be found in the official event program that is issued each year.

First, Second and Third Place awards for all classes, PLUS

Special Participant-Chosen Awards For:

Best Paint Best Engine Best Use of Plating
Best Interior Best of Show Best Undercarriage

Additional Awards For:

Best Scout Best Scout II Best Travelall
Best Pickup (Early Models 1959 Down) Best Pickup (Late Models 1960 Down) Spirit of International Prof. and Amature Restoration
Best Display Best Med Duty Best Heavy-Duty
Best Engineered Best Daily Driver Best Collection
Best Restored Farthest Driven Farthest Trailered
Ugliest Truck Highest Mileage Sponsors Choice
Midnitestar (Producers & Directors Choice) Donna J Glancy - Memorial Award (Person of the year, ) People: True International Hero



This once-in-a-lifetime award is presented to the vehicle that is either preserved or restored most nearly to "showroom stock" condition.   This is the show's most prestigious honor.  It is aptly named in honor of the Scout's original designer.


The Triple Diamond Award will be given to most original or restored to original IH Truck, Travelall or Pickup, from 1900 to 1975. This award will be chosen by a panel of expert judges who have the knowledge to find the right vehicle(s) that fit the criteria for this award and honor.


     “Best of the Best” The Grand National Champion was first selected at the 10th Nationals, This honor was chosen from all the Best of Show IH Truck Winners from all the other Regional IH Scout & Truck Shows that are held all over the nation & throughout the year. This exciting program helps promote ALL the Regional Shows & the Nationals even more.   Midnitestar - Grand National Champion

Non-Judged / Display-Only Categories

Perfect if you'd rather not compete, or if your vehicle is not yet finished.  Park proudly among the hundreds of fine IHC vehicles during the show.
